

2. Section on Process (Pavattivāro)
2-1. Section on Arising/Origination (Uppādavāro)
2-1-1. Section on Present (Paccuppannavāro)

Positive (Anuloma) Beings/Person (Puggala)

1. Yassa dukkhasaccaṃ uppajjati tassa samudayasaccaṃ uppajjatī'ti:
Sabbesaṃ upapajjantānaṃ pavatte taṇhāvippayuttacittassa uppādakkhaṇe tesaṃ dukkhasaccaṃ uppajjati, no ca tesaṃ samudayasaccaṃ uppajjati.
Taṇhāya uppādakkhaṇe tesaṃ dukkhasaccañca uppajjati samudayasaccañca uppajjati.

Yassa vā pana samudayasaccaṃ uppajjati tassa dukkhasaccaṃ uppajjatī'ti: āmantā.


Yassa = a being
dukkhasaccaṃ = the truth of suffering
uppajjati = is arising

“Yassa dukkhasaccaṃ uppajjati”
To a being, the truth of suffering is arising.


Tassa = to that being
samudayasaccaṃ = the truth of cause of suffering

“tassa samudayasaccaṃ uppajjatī'ti”
Is the truth of cause of suffering arising to that being?


Sabbesaṃ = all beings
upapajjantānaṃ = at the moment of rebirth, birth-moment, paṭisandhi moment

Paṭisandhi citta = 19 citta, e.g. Mahāvipāka citta, 3 groups of kamma born matter (kāyadasaka, bhāvadasaka, vatthudasaka)

19 paṭisandhi citta = 2 santīraṇa citta, 8 mahāvipaka citta, 5 rūpāvacara vipaka citta, 4 arūpāvacara vipāka citta.
paṭisandhi for asaññasatta = 9 kamma born matter

Paṭisandhi citta does not associate with lobha. None of paṭisandhi citta associate with lobha.

“Sabbesaṃ upapajjantānaṃ tesaṃ dukkhasaccaṃ uppajjati, no ca tesaṃ samudayasaccaṃ uppajjati.”
To all beings at the paṭisandhi-moment, the truth of suffering is arising, but not the truth of cause of suffering is arising.


Pavatte = in the moment of life-contineum

taṇhāvippayuttacittassa = citta not associated with craving (89 citta – 8 lobhamūlacitta = 81 citta are called taṇhāvippayuttacittassa)

uppādakkhaṇe = at the moment of arising

“pavatte taṇhāvippayuttacittassa uppādakkhaṇe tesaṃ dukkhasaccaṃ uppajjati, no ca tesaṃ samudayasaccaṃ uppajjati. ”
At the arising moment of 81 citta dissociated from lobha. To those beings, only dukkhasacca is arising, but not samudayasacca is arising.


Taṇhāya uppādakkhaṇe = at the arising moment of taṇhā

“Taṇhāya uppādakkhaṇe tesaṃ dukkhasaccañca uppajjati samudayasaccañca uppajjati.”
When lobha is arising, dukkasacca (the base of lobha - hadayavatthu, lobha object also dukkhasacca, lobhamulacitta is also dukkhasacca) is arising, samudayasacca is also arising (lobha cetasika).


Yassa vā pana samudayasaccaṃ uppajjati tassa dukkhasaccaṃ uppajjatī'ti: āmantā.

The truth of cause of suffering is arising to this being. Is the truth of suffering arising to that being? Yes.

Listen to the Dhamma talks:

1. 081109b03-pavatti-uppadavara.mp3

2. 081109b04-pavatti-uppadavara.mp3

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